Hey Garden(ers)!

👨🏽‍🍳Are you clumsy? maybe you accidentally drop things in the kitchen, more often than not? mixed up the sugar with salt? Well, this week is your week to shine! June 13th is National Kitchen Klutzes day in the US! Whether you're a master chef, or barely know how to boil water, we've all been a little clumsy in the kitchen and it's totally okay to laugh about it.

In other news, did you know that water might not actually be wet? Most scientists define "wetness" as a liquid’s ability to maintain contact with a solid surface, meaning that water itself is not wet, but can make other objects wet.

Anyways, hope y'all are staying dry, drinking water, and protecting your peace. Check out our upcoming events in Garden this week, and don't forget to check out our Summer Solstice schedule!

New Events

⏲️Our events are typically listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Need help converting PST to your time zone? Check out this handy WorldTimeBuddy clock!

🫂The next Chronic Illness and Long Covid Support Group is on Thursday June 20th at 5:30pm-7:30pm PST with Chanelle! Navigating everything that comes with chronic illness can be difficult - from managing symptoms to experiencing grief over missing your pre-illness life. This is a peer support space where we can share our feelings about living with any chronic/long-term illness, including long Covid, during an ongoing pandemic. RSVP via the calendar on the visit page.

🌞Summer Solstice is happening for a full 24 hours June 22nd-June 23rd and we finally have a (tentative) schedule of events for you here! We'll have performances, films, workshops, games and some new experiences for you to explore! Help us make room for everyone by RSVP'ing!

🩰Want to learn ballet in a way that is anti-racist, accessible, body positive, queer, and covid conscious? Saturday, June 29th is officially Day of Ballet in Garden, hosted by Ashley from 11am to 3pm PST. 
Tentative schedule:
11am - 11:15am PST: Arms-only/sitting ballet class
11:20 - 12:20pm PST: Beginner full ballet class with choreography
12:30 - 1:30pm PST: Some form of self-defense movement class/discussion
2-3pm PST: Lecture/discussion and/or movie screening relating to BIPOC ballet histories and experiences. RSVP via the calendar on the visit page.

Ongoing events in Garden

🫁 Want to increase your lung capacity? Come to Breathing with BJ in the Knowledge Nursery! Every weekday at 9am PST.

🎥 Name That Movie (Night!) is Wednesday at 5:30pm PST! This week's movie is a sci-fi comedy where the unlikely trio of Teyonah Parris, John Boyega and Jamie Foxx uncover a government conspiracy involving clones. Have a good guess? Come thru and find out!

🪷 Stretch it out as Caroline leads us in another weekly afternoon Yoga sesh this Friday at 2:15pm PST by streaming a yoga video from YouTube and following along. Videos will be between 25-45 minutes long between easy to moderate pace. Drop ins are always welcome! RSVP via the calendar on the visit page.

😷 Hang out, chill and play games with Black folks who take COVID precautions at the Bonfire in Garden! Every 3rd Saturday of the month from 5-8pm PST. The next Bonfire is this upcoming Saturday, June 15th! RSVP via the calendar on the visit page.

💻 Do you work from home and sometimes feel a little too isolated from others? Come Co-Work with us in Garden! We are a 24/7 drop in space for folks to join to co-work silently, listen to music, play a game or chat amongst each other in the chat box.


🪻Third Wave Fund’s Mobilize Power Fund is a rapid response fund for direct action, community mobilizing, and healing justice that supports the leadership of young women of color (cisgender and transgender), trans, gender non-conforming, queer, and intersex youth under 35 in social movements. Next deadline: September 5, 2024. Grant Amount: Up to $10,000 for individual organizations; up to $20,000 for collaborations.

🍨Ben & Jerry’s Foundation’s National Grassroots Organizing Program Grants focus on small, non-profit grassroots constituent-led organizations throughout the United States.  It prioritizes organizations that are led by and center the leadership and agency of Black communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color that approach their work using anti-oppression values – consciously striving to dismantle systems of oppression and the legacies of white supremacy culture in this country while working toward a more just and equitable society. Accepts applications on a rolling basis; grant amounts of up to $30,000. 

🎈 We are looking to open Garden up to community orgs who would like to share space with us here. If you are part of an org that may benefit from office/event space here, please email info@meetatgarden.com

Announcements & Actions

🧘🏽‍♀️Garden Event Spotlight: Check out Friday afternoon yoga with Caroline!

🍉Centering Palestine has a zoom every Tuesday at 5pm PST, along with other resources to show up for Palestine available here.

🌻Did you catch all the new things in Garden for you to explore? Check it out here.

That's all for now, until next our avatars meet!


PS: Have a one-time-event or a recurring event and need a place to host? Email us at info@meetatgarden.com!

Garden is a free 24/7 space, but it does cost money for us to maintain it on GatherTown. If you'd like to donate to this work, consider throwing some money in the pot here. To send donations directly through our 501c3 fiscal sponsor, email us!